I've created & kept this blog to compile the thoughts, dreams and wisdom that I've discovered from others or merely written myself. This blog is, in a sense, an expression of everything that is me.. Whether I wrote it or not. The most recent entries are a series of quotes, lyrics and videos.. But travel back through the archives and you'll delve deep into my heart, through my own words.

To those who I've quoted or borrowed from: Thank you for being beautiful.. for deeply inspiring me in one way or another. I hope you find that I've used your material in an appropriate fashion.. I try always to cite my sources. I take NO credit for that which is not my own.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


"Let's all work together to stop all commercial whaling and lethal scientific research whaling by Japan, Norway, and Iceland, while stopping the brutal dolphin drive fisheries and coastal harpoon hunts of Japan and the Faroe Islands that kill over 25,000 dolphins, porpoises, and other small whales every year!" --Hayden Panettiere

Be like me, and support Hayden Panettiere's organization... Click on this link to sign the petition and help save the whales & dolphins!!

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